Thursday, August 10, 2006

My New Business Maybe

I read Shape, Self, and Fitness and although they are great motivaters, at times I feel unmotivated by them. It seems like unless you work out like 2 hrs everyday and eat only steamed veggies and grilled salmon then you aren't going to lose weight. Its frustrating sometimes because they don't ever do kid friendly recipes or recipes that are under 30 min...well some of them are. These magazines really aren't geared toward women who can't afford the nanny to take care of the kids while going to the gym..or don't address people who cant afford the gym. So bright light came on in my head. Start my own magazine. It would be geared toward the working class family. Whatcha all think? I don't want to say too much because I haven't quite worked it all out yet. First I have to figure out if this would work, and how to get a magazine started, and how to put it all together blah blah blah. Could anyone give me tips on research? Not sure where to start with it. Does this sound like something you all would read? Let me know.
BTW, I changed the settings so that if you don't have an account with blogger you can post commnets. Thanks.


Tripp's Mommy said...

Sounds like a good idea to me!

nowwhatelmo said...

I like it too.