Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Out of Debt

Yep...in about 2 years for us. I have been reading a few books but this was this one really good one that was practical for people like us. So I have started following some advice from it. I don't know if anyone knows this but I work in the nursery at my church on Sundays and one Wed. a month. Its not much but I decided to put that money into a savings account at a different bank than what we use for our normal checking and savings account. Also, I have been paying all our medical bills ($5 at a time) for the past 2 months. We have been skipping on one of the car payments and I'm not sure if at this point its better to just let go of it or try to keep it. I think we are going to try to keep it. We have a few credit card balances (which we are cutting up or putting away and not using until there is no balance on them) and a few payday loans. Yes I know they are bad but at the time they came in handy. Once we get all that stuff paid off then we will double up on our vehicle payments to get those paid off. In the meantime, we put money into savings and retirement. I am hoping that in 5 years we can have enough money to put a downpayment on a house.
The book I am reading is by Elizabeth warren and her daughter. You all should read it..it really helped hubby and I put things into perspective.

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