Thursday, February 08, 2007

Micau's Dad

Had a stroke yesterday. They think it was caused by all the meds he was on and the interacted with each other in a bad way. His parents live in Beeville and they had to travel to San Antonio to the military base since he is retired navy. They had to do an MRI and they are keeping him until tomorrow. He looked well but tired..said he hasn't gotten much sleep in the hospital. He enjoyed seeing the grandkids. This is the third time he has had a stroke. He has diabeties, heart problems, and high blood pressure. Anyway, he is okay but we just a little worried. We will go visit them over the weekend to help his mom out since she has a cold and sinus infection.


Sharyn said...

I'm sorry to hear that he had a stroke. I hope he has a speedy recovery.

nowwhatelmo said...

Oh no. I hope that he is okay and heals quickly.

~PJ~ said...

I hope he is prayers will be with him.