Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Need To Go To The Bathroom

Okay today I went to the gym and after my workout I had to go to the bathroom. So on the way down to pick up the kids I forget to go. As I am walking to the get them I remember I have to go and on the way to the bathroom I am reminding myself of where I am going and what I a have to do. So I pick up the kids and have to do some errands. I go pay a bill off (whopee) and then head to Walmart. I get the babies out and realize I have to go again (dang that water) and that Kyle needs to be changed. Well I do my shopping and checkout, all without having gone to the bathroom or changing Kyle. I realize this after I have everyone in the car. Well, I had to go get my contacts so I decide I'll go to the bathroom there. Guess what? Yep..forget to go. At least I was on my home. I get the babies out of the car and notice Kyle is tired. So I go get a diaper to change him (he leaked out so have to clean that up) and put him down for a nap. Lauren starts crying and needs to be changed and fed also. So I change her, feed her, then put her down so I can get the stuff out of the car..all the while not having gone to the bathroom. It as I'm putting stuff up I realize that I need to go..really badly. So I run (yes run) to the bathroom and go.
Before you ask the do you forget you have to go...I think you should realize how easily it is to be distracted when thinking about what you have to do, what you have left to do, thinking about the kids and also hearing them. Okay, maybe not every mom forgets to have to go to the bathroom but maybe I am just that blonde...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You crack me up woman! When I gotta go, I gotta go and nothing is distracting me or standing in my way! LOL!