Friday, August 03, 2007

None Really

So again its been awhile. It has stopped raining here in Austin/RoundRock. So we've finally been able to go on walks and swimming. Katherine is having a very hard emotionally (I guess I am too). She is still seeing a therapist; her frustration at everything seems to have been getting worse or maybe she is just venting it more..not sure on that one.
Kyle is doing great. He had is adnoids removed and ear tubes in. He seems to be doing alot better and is catching up very quickly. He can count to five (well he doesn't want to say two so he says one, three, three, four, five). He recognizes most letters but still doesn't know the order of them. He was sitting on the potty but now has decided he wants diapers. He goes thru phases so maybe after 3. Kyle doesn't like to take naps anymore but i still put him in his room for 2 hours just to have some downtime. Actually everyone goes to sleep or has downtime..has seemed to help katie too.
Lauren is growing so much. She recognizes some of the letters but she hasn't attempted to sound any of them..she says alot of B words..but hasn't tried to say much. She says baba, baby, blue, black, dada, bye bye, bam (still trying to figure what that one means), uhoh. That's pretty much it. She is still wearing 9-12 month clothes..but some of the 9 months don't fit. Kyle and Lauren love to tackle each other, they chase after one another. Its pretty funny. There are other times when they are really mean to each other though.
Swiming is something everyone loves. Kyle practically runs out to the pool himself. Lauren loves to be in her floatie but kyle refuses to go in his. Its good excercise to carry them around the pool a few times.
I am doing okay. I am having some really difficult times right now. My depression has been really severe, even with my workouts (which i don't due fully). I am losing some weight. I went on an eating binge for 2 1/2 weeks and gained 7 lbs. Now I'm trying to work that off. Just trying to enjoy the last few weeks katie is going to be home. Next week she is going to go stay with my parents in Beeville for one week. She really needs a break from the little ones. I sure am going to miss her.

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