My sister called my brother and gave him her myspace page. He gave it to me. I looked her up and she seems to be doing well. She posted that she is a Christian now and is no longer drinking or doing drugs. I really hope so. Our relationship was rocky to say the least and right after Kyle was born I told her I didn't ever want to talk to her again. She wanted to live in the past and blame other people for her problems. I couldn't do that or be apart of that any more. I don't know how our relationship is going to be now. I sent her an email saying hi and that I am glad that she is doing well. I have thought of her often and I truly have missed her but I feel like she needed to grow up. I really want to have a relationship with her and hopefully we can, leaving the past in the past and all the hurt that has been done to both us there in the past.
PS.. I promise to update just got hectic.